恒拓吸收素:是陶瓷微孔顆粒,具(jù)有(yǒu)無味、不燃、吸液及吸味性能(néng)強、可(kě)重複使用(yòng),不産(chǎn)生二次污染的環保型産(chǎn)品。該産(chǎn)品因其對環境無害,使用(yòng)方便,在歐美被廣泛用(yòng)于化學(xué)液體(tǐ)的洩漏清除、油污清除等。 “吸收素”是高溫燒制的多(duō)孔陶瓷顆粒,内部呈多(duō)微孔狀結構,具(jù)有(yǒu)如下特性:親水性、親油性、吸液率大、吸液速率快、油水選擇性好、易于運輸和儲存。特别是經過脫附處理(lǐ),重複使用(yòng)。相對于吸附布、吸附氈、吸附粉等其它材料的産(chǎn)品,該新(xīn)型吸液顆粒吸附量大、保油性好、吸附效快,減少處理(lǐ)時間,可(kě)減少80%的油類清理(lǐ)過程中(zhōng)的消耗。對柴油、汽油、機油、二号浮選油、甲苯、二甲苯、煤油、硝苯、甲醛、甲醇、乙醇,鹽酸硫酸等洩漏污染物(wù)具(jù)有(yǒu)極強的吸附能(néng)力,能(néng)吸附相當于其重量2倍的污染物(wù)液體(tǐ)(每公(gōng)斤吸收素可(kě)吸附約1-2公(gōng)斤的油類及化學(xué)液體(tǐ)),為(wèi)油類洩漏和化學(xué)品污染應急處理(lǐ)提供了一種快速、環保的清理(lǐ)方案。 “吸收素”應用(yòng)範圍:主要用(yòng)于控制和清理(lǐ)溢油和化學(xué)品洩漏,清毒區(qū)、船上或港口急救等用(yòng)途。如港口碼頭、海岸防衛、石油公(gōng)司、油/化學(xué)品倉儲公(gōng)司、煉油廠、油庫、化工(gōng)廠、防洩漏承包商(shāng)、防火部門、環境清理(lǐ)公(gōng)司、急救中(zhōng)心。其它服務(wù)業:航運船舶、軍事機構、市政水處理(lǐ)廠、道路交通、機場和航線(xiàn)服務(wù)機構、汽車(chē)修理(lǐ)廠等場合的漏油及化學(xué)品洩漏、噴濺和溢出事故。
恒拓吸收素是沈陽恒拓生産(chǎn)的環保型陶瓷微孔顆粒,主要用(yòng)于化學(xué)液體(tǐ)洩漏清除、油污清除 等。産(chǎn)品具(jù)有(yǒu)無味、不燃、吸液及吸味性能(néng)強、可(kě)重複使用(yòng),不産(chǎn)生二次污染。
Product Introductionl
Heng Tuo Absorbent is an environmentally friendly ceramic microporous granule produced by Shenyang Heng Tuo Company, mainly used for the removal of chemical liquid
leaks and oil stains. The product is odorless, non-flammable, has strong liquid and odor absorption capabilities, is reusable, and does not produce secondary pollution.
技(jì )術指标:
顔 色:米黃、橘黃技(jì )術指标:含水量≤2%
PH 值:6.5~7.5 吸油率:含水液體(tǐ) 164%(歐标 NF T90-361)油類 147%(歐标 NF T90-361)
Heng Tuo Absorbent Instruction
Color: Beige, Orange
Technical Specifications: Moisture content ≤ 2%
pH Value: 6.5 to 7.5
Oil Absorption Rate: 164% for aqueous liquids (according to the European Standard NF T90-361), 147% for oils (according to the European Standard NF T90-361)
Packaging Method: The product is packaged with an inner plastic film lining and an outer plastic woven bag, with a net weight of each bag being (20±0.5) kg.
使用(yòng)方法:本産(chǎn)品屬完全物(wù)理(lǐ)性滲透吸附,使用(yòng)時隻需将本産(chǎn)品覆遮在油污上,靜 候數秒(miǎo),給予少許反應時間,再輕掃數下即可(kě)掃除或以吸塵以吸塵機收回:收回後之粒子甚 至用(yòng)面巾紙搓揉也無油污沾染于紙上,完全吸收于粒子内部。其終端處理(lǐ)更是方便,直接掩 埋或焚化後即成原土掩埋,由于吸附力甚大掩埋後絕不會滲出污染土地,時間長(cháng)後吸附之油 污将會被細菌分(fēn)解,回歸自然。
Usage Method: This product utilizes a purely physical permeation and adsorption process. To use,
simply cover the oil stain with the product, wait for a few seconds to allow a slight reaction, then gently sweep it to remove or use a vacuum cleaner to collect it. After collection, the granules can be crumpled with a tissue paper without any oil stain adhering to the paper, indicating complete absorption within the granules. The final disposal is also convenient; direct burial or incineration followed by burial in the original soil. Due to its strong adsorption capacity, there will be no
seepage to contaminate the land after burial. Over time, the absorbed oil will be decomposed by bacteria and returned to nature.
用(yòng) 途:本産(chǎn)品廣泛用(yòng)于煉油、榨油、機械修造、儲運車(chē)間及高速公(gōng)路、車(chē)站、碼頭、 河岸、食品、醫(yī)藥、加油站、碼頭、高速公(gōng)路及一般地面油污染的控制和清除:汽車(chē)、船舶 等各種機械修造廠、基礎工(gōng)業、石化行業生産(chǎn)車(chē)間滲漏油的吸附、控制和清除:各級政府辦(bàn) 公(gōng)場所、賓館飯店(diàn)地面。
Applications: This product is widely used in Europe, America, and Japan for the control and
removal of oil pollution in refineries, oil pressing plants, mechanical repair workshops, storage
and transportation facilities, highways, stations, docks, riverbanks, food, pharmaceutical, gas
stations, docks, highways, and general ground oil pollution. It is also used in various mechanical repair workshops for vehicles and ships, basic industries, and petrochemical industry production workshops for the adsorption, control, and removal of oil leaks. Additionally, it is used in
government offices, hotels, and restaurants for cleaning the floors.
Storage Conditions : The product should be stored in a dry environment to maintain its
Shenyang Heng Tuo Company is a professional enterprise engaged in
the research and development and production of environmental protection materials, committed to providing efficient and environmentally friendly solutions.
聯系人 :林經理(lǐ)
地址:遼甯省沈陽市大東區(qū)榆林大街(jiē) 83 号
Contact Person: Manager Lin
Mobile Phone: 13709810247
Email: syhengtuo@qq.com
Address: No. 83, Yulin Street, Dadong District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province
地址: 遼甯省沈陽市大東區(qū)榆林大街(jiē)83号